26 October 2009

Who needs fire extinguisher and why?

History has shown that fire, although keeps life going (at least for cooking), it can also destroy, when out of control. Almost anything burns, some into charcoal, some into dust, some even leaves nothing behind.
Historically, anything that helps to put a fire under control can be called a fire extinguisher, a pail of water, a branch of leaves, a bare stick, even a blow of air from someone's mouth.  However, in modern terms, a fire extinguisher means more than that, it has to meet many-many expectations and challenges, light enough to carry, controls a large fire, can withstand tortorous conditions, cheap and good, easy to use, etc-etc.

If you have nothing around you that burns, or if it does, but does not matters you, then maybe you don't need one.  But if that is not the case, then probably you need one.  Well, you can also make your own fire extinguisher cheap and good.  Keep a pail of water handy in the kitchen or your garden is a basic thing to do.  Make sure free from mosquito baby! Keep a thick blanket near your bed, maybe can be used to cover and suffocate a bed-side flame.

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